Sionnan and Andre

WERROR is a collaborative photography team by Sionnan and Andre. Based in Brisbane, Australia we both love capturing places and people through the lens. Our team met in 2020 and through a multitude of shared interests in travel, creative media, and community - we went from friends, to dating and photography partners. Sionnan comes from a creative background in architecture and loves designing with and for local communities. Andre similarly works in civil engineering/construction and has been an avid photographer since his high-school years. Together we hope to travel and explore the world capturing the people we meet and places we go, and hopefully your special moments too.

As a photography team we offer double shooting for all services, and high quality/efficient delivery as we work together in the editing and curation processes. Our stylised work aims to best represent visual accuracy with Andre custom colour grading all individual edits, and Sionnan working to refine light balance in all monochromatic work. Whilst we specialise in portraiture if you have a need for services outside that realm (including videography, architectural and commercial photography etc) we are more than willing to discuss. If you have a job outside the Brisbane or Queensland region, our team would still love to work with you - contact us for more details.

Our process from your initial enquiry to receiving the final images will be fully personalised towards your needs with a customised package. For all weddings and engagement shoots our team would like to meet with you beforehand to ensure we best meet your requirements. Please contact our team via email or the contact form on our website for all enquiries.